

Posted on: August 16, 2022

As September arrives, we must remain conscious of Civil Service Month for the whole of September, from office workers to top-level government officials, we thank you for your service in keeping our government running especially in these truly trying and grueling months.

Civil Service refers to the body of employees in any government including all employees of the government general covering the Congress, the Judiciary, and the Executive Departments. Colloquially, they are referred to as “Civil Servants” and their formal name is dependent on the employee and the body of government they serve. Civil Servants undertake a wide variety of activities, including analyzing policy options, managing government contracts, and providing frontline support to people using public services. They could be your Postal Worker, Air Traffic Controller, Police Officer, legislator, and other more specialized careers so long as they are government employees.

Though the Pandemic has yet to completely subside, thanks to the work of our hardworking civil servants that the trains run on time, and the hospitals run 24/7.  Also, our police and fire departments are always ready to help and serve.  Despite the risk of falling ill because of the viral outbreak, the people who chose to still help have our sincerest and deepest gratitude and full support.

WebFocus is proud to have worked with these fine men and women of our government, as we have rendered service and products to them either via the development of their website or hosting and technical support for their websites.  Be at one with us, to experience and witness as we diligently earn the trust of the Government and thousands of more, from both public and private sectors alike.


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